Crystal Healing Session (Aragonite)

What is Crystal Healing?

Crystals and gemstones act as conduits for healing — allowing positive, healing energy to flow into the body as negative, disease-causing energy flows out. The philosophy of modern crystal healing is based on the ancient Chinese concept of life-energy (chi or qi) and the Hindu or Buddhist concept of chakras. The crystals when placed along the chakras of the body stimulate the body's energy flow, restore balance, and help the body heal itself.

What are the benefits of Aragonite?

Aragonite is a stone used to balance the body and is especially good for grounding (Root/Base chakra) and healing the physical body, especially the joints and bones. It’s also a really good stone for children.

Aragonite acts as a stabilizing stone and is also helpful to those who need to release issues from the past and attachments in the present. It promotes focus and concentration and helps calm and center. Aragonite will also enhance and encourage sensitivity and generosity and can help one to overcome stagnation in their personal growth.

Interested in a session?

Please contact me for more information or to book a session. I also offer a free assessment to see where you stand in your spiritual journey. I will give you 3 concrete tips and match you with your ideal healing path.